“People seem to get nostalgic about a lot of things they weren't so crazy about the first time around”.
Nostalgia is an emotion which relates to past memories. This emotion can relate to thinks such as books, films, toys and childhood playground games. Nostalgia affects us all because we have childhood memories of things which had an impact on our lives, or things which reminds us of our childhood and memories which relate to those things.
Toys are a big trigger to nostalgic memories; we all remember playing with iconic toys such as the Nintendo 64 and the James Bond game Golden Eye. I believe that everyone within my age group either experienced playing, owning or wanting to have that game as it was “The game to have” at the time and therefore for all those people who were from the era will have a nostalgic memory trigger when anyone mentions that game.
There are memories in which will be triggered due to nostalgic memories such as playground games, just a mention of a game such as “Bulldog” or “Hopscotch” will automatically trigger memories of when you used to play those games in primary school, the people in which you played. Nostalgic memories tend to memories of good times, times in which we relish and wished for once again because it’s a sense of “Good old Times”.
Most people have been told by the parents about “The Good Old Times” and that’s just their way of relating to the nostalgic memories which they have. This could relate to things which had an impact within their lives such as wars, communism or other bad times where they feel that we have never had as bad as them. Or this could also relate to positive things such as fashion and things which are now coming back into fashion which they used to wear.
The video above shows items in which had a big impact in the 80’s and even though I was not born within the 80’s some of the things triggered of memories in which I have based on some of the things that were shown like “TOY-R-US”. TOY-R-US is a store which was constantly on the TV in between children's shows, they would advertise toys which would entice children to want them.
There was an advert which always comes to mind and I believe that due to the nostalgic factors that they have used within the advert itself. This is the Peugeot 206 advert which shows a man in India creating his own Peugeot 206 using he’s old car. This sticks in my mind because just the creating factor and how he uses different things to get the car into the correct shape.
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