Monday, 11 October 2010


Uni Life.....
As with all new things at the beginning is the hardest, the thought of being in a place with people you have never met before seems daunting as your well and truly out of your comfort zone, but everyone else was in the same situation and this was the beginning of the next 3years of my life. I had been to the campus previously so i knew what i looked like and i knew how to get to the Uni so that was one less thing to worry about.

Once i arrived at Bucks the "student helpers" guided me into the correct classroom where i first meet a classroom full of people. Everyone which were seated around me introduced themselves, and everyone was welcoming and friendly. The guys were seated together, people that stood out for me at the start was Sean and Joe, firstly because they were setting next to me and in front of me, and they were the more outspoken not scared to add to the conversation or to start one.

 Once everyone had arrived Ruth got us to play these silly memory which a large number of us were hopeless at me included, I couldn't really remember anyone's name, but not many people were so we practically just laughed at each other attempt and fail terribly. I never thought id be speed dating with another male, but Ruth made us uncomfortably do it, but it enabled us to interact and "get to know" our new classmates, And that broke the barrier even though we knew very little of each other you felt more comfortable. From the start there were a number of people you just knew you would get along with and in my case they were: Sean, Joe, Tyler, Mike, Branden, "Mad Mike, Ed, Omar etc (don't be offended if Ive missed you out).

My opinion on Uni so far is really good, like I'm really enjoying it, for me it's a new challenge, because through the next 3years I am going to be working towards gaining my degree and then using that to better my life in the future and having a job in which I will enjoy so that I can live the life that I want to live and not to live thinking "what if".
